Extract from MGEN Drôme magazine article, September 2019:

“SAPERE Taste Classes
SAPERE intervenes for free in schools, to provide a sensory education method with lessons built around learning about the five senses.
The goal of this taste education method is to build children’s knowledge and awareness of the pleasures of a varied and balanced diet, to ensure the foundations for a balanced diet in the longer term and thus promote good health.
The method connects to various aspects of the school curriculum, and can easily be adapted for different age groups, from pre-school to middle school. In school settings, studies have shown that the method reduces children’s neophobia and develops their vocabulary and social interactions.
SAPERE Taste Classes offers free one-day training sessions (for small groups) about taste education, delivered using simple and fun learning activities, at the end of which participants receive a teaching kit.
For more information: www.saperelesclassesdugout.fr or or (for the Drôme)”