Teaching resources adapted to different countries
SAPERE’s partners have adapted the original method to suit their different countries.
The teaching approach varies depending on national culture, children’s age groups, stakeholder expectations, how the schools are organised and what resources are available. But the spirit of it and the objectives remain the same. And in every country, SAPERE validates the adaptation of the method and guarantees its effectiveness.
In France, those who have received SAPERE training can obtain a box of useful equipment to help deliver their classes or workshops (essences for smell, mystery gloves for touch, cups for tasting, a CD of sounds to listen to etc).

Hereafter is the French version of the Swedish manual, intended for teachers from CM1 to 6th grade. Prepared by Stina Algotson and Ulla Hagman, 1st publication in 2000, new Swedish edition in 2015 and french edition in 2020.

In Finland, the National Nutrition Council’s guidance for children’s nutrition and food education for nurseries, includes recommendations to use the SAPERE method: http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-343-033-4
In the Netherlands, teachers are first introduced to the method at a workshop where they receive a pack with documentation and teaching resources to use in class.
In Switzerland, the teaching resources are available through the Senso5 website to those who have been trained and have obtained the right to use them:
– Activity sheets for pupils
– Technical sheets for teachers
– Various resources: pictures, sensory materials (smells, masks, flavours, touch boxes…)
In Sweden, a teaching manual was published in 2000 by Stina Algtoson and Ulla Hagman, called Mat för alla sinnen – sensorisk träning enligt Sapere-metoden (Food for the senses: Sapere method sensory training). Another manual for nurseries was published by Stina Algotson and Åsa Öström in 2010: Sinnenas Skafferi (Food and the senses).
Improving our resources
SAPERE practitioners and scientists interested in taste education share insights and experiences so that we can continue to evolve SAPERE resources.
Others resources

The “Smell Detection Game” and “The Flavor vs Taste Experiment” from Edulia